Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Importance of Learning in the Arab World free essay sample
This paper emphasizes the importance of learning in the early modern period in the Arab world. This essay examines the importance of learning in the Arab world with specific reference to Portugal during the early modern period. It examines how this nation was empowered by its adaptation of Arabic mathematics and Arab navigational and naval technology. Arab knowledge of cartography and navigation, from which all European nations borrowed heavily, enabled Portugal to forge ahead in the drive to seek colonies and expand Portugal?s sphere of trade. From the paper: In the current political climate, it has become easy to forget the past. It has become easy to forget how, many hundreds of years ago the Arab world was not seen as a place of darkness, of anti-modernist and anti-technological sentiments. Rather Islam was seen as a beacon of light for the West, providing important mathematical and navigational knowledge that enabled Europeans to make exploratory forays into what became the New World. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Learning in the Arab World or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The very numbers that paginate this particular document are Arabic Numerals, an improvement on the cumbersome and often confusing system of Roman numerals.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Reflection Essay Sample on the Book Tuesdays with Morrie
Reflection Essay Sample on the Book Tuesdays with Morrie The reflection essay designates the type of work that puts into perspective analysis of the writer’s evaluation of the particular text. Moreover, it implies the involvement of personal experience, which provides an overall understanding of the specific topic. In some cases, it is possible to omit the provision of individual’s experience as the assignment may focus only on the evaluation of the writer’s opinion. In this case, the writer reflects the effective and ineffective parts of the essay. Moreover, he/she explains why the narrator’s point of view deserves consideration. Therefore, the reflection essay sample demonstrates the involvement of value judgments for the description of the particular case and provides a balanced evaluation of the targeted source. ‘Transcendent Ideas in Tuesdays with Morrie’ Essay Sample The book Tuesdays with Morrie is one of the most bestselling novels in the USA. The narration demonstrates the conversation between the professor and his former student Mitch that is listed in the set of the postulates. Morrie drives the reader’s attention to the indeed significant matters in the individual’s life. His critique of the contemporary culture and the predominance of money over the mind forces Mitch to reconsider vital values and ponder over his future. Hence, the essay reflects on such Morrie’s postulates as pity for oneself, regrets, emotions, family, money, and modern culture. Pity for Oneself Indisputably, the opinion of the surrounding society plays a significant role in the development of the individual’s self-esteem. However, it is essential to mention that the personal attitude towards himself/herself, as well as the attitude to the upcoming issues, designate the background for the formulation of the self-evaluation. Morrie signifies that the paralysis deprives him of personal independence, as he needs constant assistance from the others (Albom 36). Personally, the severe disease alters his world-view and overall perception of the familiar matters. However, he mentions that the pity for oneself deepens the depression, wastes time and leads to self-withdrawal (Albom 36). It is possible to cry but not to concentrate on important issues as it breaches the inner balance. Regarding own experience of the unjust occurrence, the pity for oneself does not provide the solution of the problem as the emotions take over rational thinking. The case of the mentioned reward as sists in the realization of the early preserved plans as another individual can take advantage of them and succeed. Therefore, the pity for oneself leads to a self-withdrawal as it breaches the rational comprehension of the situation and complicates the rendering of the possible solutions. Regrets Usually, the feeling of regret intertwines the pity for oneself as it blurs the clearness of mind with the fixed ideas of the possible solutions to the issues or situations of the past. For example, Morrie recollects the conflict with a friend who did not support him in the critical moments of life. Later when that friend wanted to excuse and maintain the contact, the protagonist refused to do it. Consequently, the man dies and Morrie regrets that he did not forgive that person (Albom 91). The feeling of regret designates the barrier between the past and present as memories restrain a person from the acceptance of the consequences of the particular situation. For instance, in the novel, the personal initiative of the main character to take part in the competition designated the reason for the upcoming conflict. The mentioned friend excused for the implementation of the idea and wanted to take the deserved reward. In that case, forgiveness represents the most powerful tool to overcome the feeling of regret. Moreover, the state of perception motivates to develop personal prudence towards trust. Hence, the sorrows do not solve the upcoming issues. On the contrary, they blur personal consciousness with the negative emotions, and in some cases, impose the individual with the feeling of guilt. It is essential to use the mental power of regrets for the rational comprehension of the issue and elaboration of the possible ways of its solution. Emotions On the other hand, the community tends to underestimate the influence of emotions on the formation of the world-view and perception of reality. Morrie signifies that the inner intention to pity himself and regret the lost physical abilities are connected with the dominance of the negative emotions over his mind (Albom 60). On the other hand, the feelings related to the success lead to the predominance of the positive emotions over the rationalism. Personally, it is possible to agree with Morrie’s opinion as emotions impose individual with the illusion of happiness or grief that alienates the person from the rational comprehension of the particular situation. In this case, Morrie suggests people let the feelings pass by and not to concentrate on the specific case that can cause emotional overload (Albom 59). For example, the victory in the competition imposed a hypothetical individual with the feeling of the predominance over the others. However, in two months this person might be defeated, and it can lead to regrets. In this case, it is possible to use Morrie’s lesson of letting the emotions pass by. The victory can be regarded only as a source of motivation but not arrogance. Hence, it is essential to take control of emotions. Otherwise, they will breach the rational thinking and harden the usual perception of reality. Family Regarding the rapid development of the world, the process of the urbanization provides an individual with a vast amount of possibilities. However, the accomplishment of the planned goals imposes a person with the loads of obstacles that represent complications in the success achievement. According to Morrie, family designates the most powerful social construct for the formulation of the future generation (Albom 53). The mentioned social group can be regarded as a source of love, care, and encouragement that alleviates the overcoming of real-life obstacles. Moreover, he adds that without a family the obtaining of the assistance would be a great challenge for him (Albom 54). These words are worth consideration as the concept of the family indeed correlates with the love that assists in the healing of any wound. Regarding personal experience, parental support played a significant role during my graduation. After three years of studies, I already gave up and was afraid I would not cope w ith my diploma. However, their care and encouragement raised my spirit, and I have succeeded with the graduation paper. Therefore, the family designates the sociocultural construct, which contributes to the formulation of the decent member of the community and assists in the overcoming of the hurdles. Money Nowadays, urbanization creates possibilities for the financial development of almost every individual. However, society makes a shift from the moral virtues to the material ones that demonstrates great concern for the citizens as they suffer alienation. Morrie states that culture imposes an individual with the false necessities that do not lead to spiritual satisfaction as the abundance of the necessary goods deepens the interpersonal gap (Albom 69). He mentions that it is essential to share moral virtues with others (Albom 70). That opinion forces us to over-think the system of values of the contemporary world. Providing people with moral support plays a significant role in the development of relationships as it leads to the satisfaction of personal acceptance. Money cannot bring comfort and encourage. On the contrary, they bring to people feelings of fear and greed. While fear leads to the mistrust towards the surrounding people, the greed forces to earn more and more in order to predominate over the others. Hence, it is essential to reduce the power of money over the individual’s mind, as it does not provide the spiritual satisfaction. Moreover, it erodes the soul of a person instilling it with greed and fear. In this case, the best possible solution is the provision of the person with the spiritual support that designates his or her understanding and acceptance. Culture Year after year, the government accompanied by mass media shapes public culture. The culture of the US population leads to personal alienation as it puts into the perspective the financial security instead of the development of the national spirit based on the predominance of peace and equality. Morrie identifies that the government utilizes the spiritual threat that instills the individual sub-consciousness with the idea of money predominance (Albom 85). From their perspective, people are scared of being fired and determine the fundamental reason for letting others down. However, such a savage behavior of the survival of the strongest leads to the undermining of the cohesion of society. For instance, some time ago I was framed as a group mate took advantage of my project, copied it and got a better grade. When I asked him to explain his behavior, he replied that only the strongest should survive. In this case, the culture develops the attitude of hostility and mistrust that breaches the cannons of the human relationship. Therefore, culture puts into perspective a task to impose people with the false dictation of money. However, the mentioned intention breaches the rational thinking and develops the herd instinct to earn more than others. Unfortunately, the perspective of the money predominance erodes the functioning of society by excavating the roots of basic communication. The book of Mitch Albom Tuesdays with Morrie represents a set of postulates for the proper spiritual development of every individual. In our lives, the concept of pity for oneself intertwines with the regrets that undermine rational thinking. On the other hand, the government is imposing the society with the false culture of the money predominance that leads to the alienation of the individual and breaches the moral virtues and the cannons of communication. Finally, the family as the most significant social construct provides a person with love and care that serves as the most potent tool for the overcoming of the inevitable obstacles and negative issues. The provided reflection essay sample demonstrates the involvement of the personal experience towards the evaluation of the narrator’s opinions. The implication of the individual examples reveals the points of the author’s view that aim the reader to ponder over the significance of the message. The demonstrated essay put into perspective the assistance to the writer for accepting a challenge and write a decent reflection on the particular reflection essay topic. Use the sample to alleviate the work on this type of essay. Work Cited Albom, Mitch. Tuesdays with Morrie. Doubleday Company, Incorporated, 1997.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Benefits of ICT in Education and Classroom Management
Benefits of ICT in Education and Classroom Management ICT has so many advantages in the learning and teaching process. Classroom management is one of them that gained benefits from ICT. According to experienced teachers who use ICT in their classrooms that ICT may make the classroom controlling more effortless because ICT provides materials that make the class more interesting and easy to control (Cox and Webb, 2004). The existence of several sorts of ICT tools gives the class other support of learning especially in terms of visual and auditory learning. Thus the definition of classroom management â€Å"Content management occurs when teachers manage space, materials, equipment, the movement of people, and lessons that are part of a curriculum or program of studies†(Froyen they have ‘eyes in the back of their heads’ so are able to pay attention to several things at the same time; Letting pupils know what behavior is expected of them at any given point in time; Smoothness: teachers are able to guide pupil behavior v erbally or non- verbally without having to interrupt teaching; Maintaining group focus and interest.†Leask and Pachler(2005:44) ICT is beneficial for teachers too, to discipline student’s deportments in the class. In â€Å"withitness†teachers never are busy with other things in the class while answering a question or other activities (Leask and Pachler, 2005). They should pay their attention to students behaviour even they observe them out of the corner of their eye, it will be good. In addition, students know what they are going to do next time. Finally, in â€Å"smoothness†teachers use efficient techniques that guide students in a way, which does not lead to a noisy atmosphere in the class, but without interrupting teaching process. ICT and Motivation: The British educational communications and technology agency (Becta, 2003) has a research about ICT and motivation, which reports that regular use of ICT across various curriculum subjects, may have a u seful motivational impact on students learning (cited in Cox, 1997). It is clear that students stand more time in front of their tasks by using ICT like computer than other methods such as: classic method, which was manual, which is manual. ICT may solve discipline problems and decrease them. Moreover, students who used ICT for educational reasons in school feel more successful were more motivated to learn and have raised self-confidence and self-esteem (cited in Software and information industry association 2000). For example, while writing a paragraph by hand there is no grammar check to correct mistakes, but while ICT programs such as Microsoft Office word, which will detect most of the spelling and grammar mistakes. This process will encourage and motivate students certainly. Leask and Pachler, 2005 refer that the impaCT2 project evaluated the motivation of students through 15 case studies in their books. Researchers found that ICT not only encourages students to become more con centrated on the task. ICT also was seen by some teachers to improve both the competency and cognitive functioning (Cited in Comber et al., 2002, p. 9).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Organisational and leadership management (Tesco PLC) Essay
Organisational and leadership management (Tesco PLC) - Essay Example As far as Tesco is concerned, it is placed in a very competitive and challenging industry, that of the retail business. The retail business is a very high selling business, since it involves selling items of daily use. Tesco in the next 0-10 years, will be faced with a lot of new challenges. In the world of business, no organization can remain stagnant and stay where it is. Rather, it has to constantly keep on moving and face the challenges that the unstable environment has to offer. The challenges that Tesco might face in the near future is that it might be challenged by their competitors if they merged together to form a cartel or another organization. Other challenges can be to keep prices low, despite the various tactics that are often used by the retailers to coax the consumers into a tight corner. Examples of such tactics are price fixing. In such times of change and crisis, effective leadership will be essential for Tesco. It would have to have expert power within the company to manage the challenges that is would face. Expert power comes from the expertise possessed by the manger, and the value and need of this expertise within the organization. This expertise is a result of the manager’s special skills, knowledge, abilities and/or previous experience.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Is Capital Punishment an Effective Deterrent Essay
Is Capital Punishment an Effective Deterrent - Essay Example 2. Influences on Deterrence The dilemma of accepting or rejecting capital punishment as a deterrent in future rate of murder is driven by the underlying socio-economic circumstances and human psychological influences. Defined as â€Å"an inhabiting mechanism which involves the risk of monitoring or intervention and associated sanction†(Cools et. al. 2010, p.275), deterrence as a function of capital punishment has not proved its worth and the persistent crime rates in societies where capital punishment is adopted proofs the weaknesses of this doctrine. However, deterrence is not an absolute measure and it should be studied relative to individuals and circumstances. Thereby, the effects of a sentence may vary indefinitely on individuals and societies they are applied. This paper will examine various factors that have a direct or indirect impact in deterrence minimization ought to be provided by the death sentence. The paper will presents the underlying logics behind the thesis, the authenticity derived from literature and sentiments attached with the issue. 3. Logics Defying Deterrence a) Role of Intent, Plan and Judicial Intricacies Human murder, despite being a detestable act cannot be studied and investigated without an in-depth cause and effect analysis. Factors and circumstances that led the criminal to commit the murder have a direct influence on the outcome of the death sentence. The punishment would not be a popular decision if it does not have adequate circumstantial evidence and the favors of masses. There are only fewer chances that the death sentence will reduce the murder rate in the society. Another logic that can be presented against the employment of capital punishment as a deterrent to murders is that planned murderers are most likely aware of the ramifications and plan to avoid these apprehension in advance. These efforts not only show the powerful intent behind a murder but also negate the existence of any deterrence. Rather, these crim inals assume that they will never be caught if they can plan carefully. Consequently, the fear of capital punishment may help them to plan even more cautiously and avoid the sentence instead of the crime. Thirdly, the intricacies in criminal law minimize the deterrence offered by the capital punishments. The criminals can bank on delaying tactics maneuvered through attorneys and appeals to final decision. The delay in justice thereby causes an exceptional damage to deterrence. b) Role of Law and Authority Laws in almost every country have defined separate clauses for unintentional and homicides with an intent. However, the intent of a murder is actually a state of mind and it is very hard to prove in most cases, â€Å"Courts have wrestled with the distinctions among such states of mind.†(Homocide n.d.). In such cases the death sentence may be justified as far the course of law is concerned but the deterrence in not defensible. In other words, the judicial procedures and just ifications may be sufficient for the award of a capital punishment
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Teaching Art To Young Children Essay Example for Free
Teaching Art To Young Children Essay Some of the children stuck the squares of material outside the shoe outline at first but through discussion and questioning they understood that the material needed to go inside the outline. One child went to the Shoe Shop in nursery a got a shoe to copy a pattern on the side and the colour of the shoe, she had remembered from playing in their that the shoe was different from the others and had a pattern on it. Some of the children chose different colours and materials, whilst other children stuck to one colour or one type of material. One child that stood out chose red paper and ribbed card and she did a pattern repeating it over the shoe shape, she needs more opportunities to make patterns using a range of materials. All of the children were able to put glue onto their material and stick it down, but some children put the glue on the wrong side of the paper. A target was set for these children to practise gluing on the opposite side to the side they want to show/see. The activity went well and the children enjoyed designing their own shoe. All the children met three out of the four learning objectives, they were able to choose colours and materials, use their own ideas when placing materials and they practised their gluing skills. The objective that most of the children found it difficult to describe was how things felt. They had a limited range of vocabulary, even though we had previously covered the subject. Suggesting describing words and asking the children if I was correct worked well as it helped some of them to recall words from previous lessons, other children were still unable to answer. In order for children to move further up the stepping-stones towards the Early Learning Goal for exploring media and materials they must begin to describe the texture of things. For the children who find this difficult more opportunities are needed for them to develop their ideas and vocabulary. Again the introduction and organisation of the activity worked well as the routine was used as in the previous activity. The children knew what to do and I was able to work well with three children at a time. My role during this activity was to explain the task again, to model what the children were to do by showing them a shoe I had designed. I continually asked the children about why they were choosing a certain colour or type of material and what it felt like, and if they were unsure I would tell them what I thought it felt like using describing words. The lesson was extremely appropriate as it linked well to the topic Hands and Feet and to the mini topic of the week The Elves and the Shoe Maker. Again the objective, like the previous activity, related well to the stepping-stones and the early learning goals. Through the collage the children were carrying out an effective and useful activity, which Morgan (1988) suggests is a link between visual and tactile experience. (p. 74) Through this activity the children were not only exploring and experimenting with ideas and materials, but also developing practical and essential skills that are the basis for the rest of their education. These activities have shown that the experience of art (creative development) contributes to the education of young children in many ways. It provides essential links and connections to help children develop life skills. Through art children can develop the ability and confidence to bring practical skills to a range of problems, sometimes in other subject areas. Whilst I was on my placement a child who really enjoyed the creative aspect of learning, who was still at the scribbling stage, worked extremely hard on a piece of work and was continually praised throughout the day. As her confidence grew, due to being praised for her artwork, her confidence and interest in other areas of learning grew. Children are able to develop and assess their own and others ideas, and choose what materials tools would best fit a job/task. Children are able to build up knowledge about the world around them through their senses by trial and error in art, using their own ideas and methods what ever their abilities/needs. Overall children enjoy art because it is fun, there are no rules to follow, they are free to explore, experiment, express themselves and learn by discovering things for themselves. Barnes (1987) suggested just how important art is, To be involved in creative activity is to confront how we feel about things. Expressing a mood, emotion, or temperament through art becomes as valid as responding to another person, a moving sight, or a meaningful experience. Both responding and expressing through art puts us in touch with qualities, which are part of what make us human. As such they give special significance and meaning to what we see with our eyes and the inner of the mind. They touch on part of us that nothing else can. (p. 1) Bibliography Barnes, R (1987) Teaching Art To Young Children 4-9. Boston, Sydney and London. Allen and Unwin. Bruce, T (1997) Early Childhood Education. Hodder and Stoughton. Lewis, H (1966) Child Art. Publisher not known.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Great Teachers and Educational Leadership Qualities -Parent Student Rel
Great teachers & educational Leadership qualities: motivation, school discipline & teaching skills of teacher late Orhan Seyfi Ari A truly great teacher with his teaching and educational leadership can inspire even education reforms. The globally popular teaching skills and educational leadership qualities make great teachers. How do a truly great teachers' teaching inspire pupils and students? His behaviour management in school discipline is empathic. His teaching skills are with educational leadership qualities. In teacher student relations great teachers motivate. In parent teacher meetings great educators help. Truly great teachers can make educational history with education reforms, social history, enable social pride... 'His students made the state and the nation proud' (On a great educator's, the late, Orhan Seyfi Ari's passing away -Atun, Leader of Parliament TRNC 1992) How do great teachers do that? What made Orhan Ari a great teacher? This educator's exceptional teaching skills and educational leadership qualities made him one of the great teachers. Orhan Ari's teaching skills and educational leadership qualities were so great, writers and poets hailed him, people named streets after him. What were these major globally popular teaching skills and educational leadership qualities that made him a great teacher? Orhan Ari's teaching skills and educational leadership qualities in education related dealings kept parents, colleague teachers, students properly happy. This great teacher's teaching skills and educational leadership were enhanced by his wit and honesty. His sincere concern and help enabled educational reforms -made him a truly great teacher who continues to socio-culturally inspire. ... ...ife' -Nicholas press, London 2002) Truly great teachers' globally popular educational leadership qualities and teaching skills can make educational history. This great teacher's educational leadership qualities enabled education reforms -made him popular within and without his community. In retirement from teaching he was invited to visit and inspect schools overseas, when this great teacher passed away, retired from teaching years before, at his funeral with his former students and pupils school children carried flowers. Great teachers are remembered. Great teachers' popularity lasts. With teacher and teaching awards, in an unfinished monograph, this great teacher, Orhan Seyfi Ari, saw as greatest reward... 'My spiritual reward.. my beloved 'children', my pupils, have achieved success... The feeling of having been loved by them as I have loved them.'
Monday, November 11, 2019
Challenges In Our Life Essay
Good Morning fellow students and teachers. Journey is a vital aspect in our lives. Everyone in here will encounter a type of journey whether it’s physical, imaginative or inner, They happen to everyone, whether we want it or not. Life itself is a journey with many challenges to overcome, with many experiences to learn from and with many opportunities to explore. Journeys allow us to grow, to become wiser, and to look at life from a different perspective. As you can see in the stimulus Image, many challenges arise when going through a personal journey, we are unexpected of the challenges, we must overcome obstacles, we must face these challenges even though they might be seen impossible to over whelm. Today’s speech will focus on two different journeys, one from Louis Nowra’s comic play, ‘Cosi’ and the other from Ben Stiller’s movie, ‘The Secret life of Walter Mitty’. Going through a personal journey will come with many challenges to overcome, whether it be big or small. It might be difficult to overcome let alone maintaining the shock of the challenge. The Attitudes of others may implement the difficulty of overcoming that challenge. Nowra’s Cosi shows a good example of this Challenge in Act two, Scene two. Lewis and Lucy are seen arguing about the play, Lewis did not want to attend the Galileo rehearsals nor did he want to attend the moratorium meeting. As both of them are seen arguing, Lucy tells lewis that she has been having an affair with Nick. Lewis is Stunned at this news. Lucy excuse is that she has sex with Nick, but sleeps with Lewis. In this scene, lewis has reached a personal growth in his journey, wanting to rehearse the Cosi Fan Tutte play rather than going to the Galileo rehearsals and the moratorium meeting. However, this scene comes with a challenge in his journey. Lewis is stunned, just learned that his girlfriend just had an affair with his best friend. Lucy lack of respect for Lewis’s feeling and justifies with a cruel excuse ‘I have sex with him and sleep with you’. Nowra enables us to see Lucy herself can never make a personal journey. Lewis’s feeling is seem hurt for the lack of respect from Lucy, Lewis is seen angry but recites a line from the play, ‘Women’s constancy is like the Arabian Phoenix. Everyone swears it exists, but no one has seen it’. Lucy is seen angry from this quote and curses at Lewis for even mentioning the play. The Lack of respect Lucy has towards lewis shows us how overcoming a challenge can be very hard let alone someone else affecting the challenge making the challenge itself seem impossible to overcome. ‘Life is about courage and going into the unknown’, going into the unknown is a journey that will come with challenges, these challenges will push us out of our conform zone. Walter Mitty works for Life magazine, which is going through a transition into the online scene, meaning his job is on the line. Walter Mitty is seen as character with a dull life, not really doing anything noteworthy. While Walter is a negative assets manger, he must find the the last photo that will be in the cover of the last publish magazine. Walter Mitty has never really experienced life, never been to the unknown, however, his seemingly last mission will force him to go outside his comfort zone and experience reality, as he has never done before. Walter Mitty embarks a mission to find his last photo the company will ever publish, he will be force to stop his daily dreaming, and face reality. His daily job consist of him staying in a dark basement, but his adventures spiral from booking a last-minute flight to Greenland to near-fatal bouts with volcanoes, sharks and jumping out of a helicopter in the middle of a hurricane. Through his journey and the fantastic use of picturesque scene and dreamy sounds, reflects the Walter’s inner thoughts and perspective of life through his journey. The realisation of Walter Mitty might losing his jobs, makes him realise that he has been living a dull life and goes into a journey to find himself, and explore life. His dull life turns into an adventures life making him going out of his comfort zone.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Effects of Sleep Deprivation
There are few things that mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish have in common; sleep is one of them. Sleep is when the body completely relaxes, sensory activities are suspended, and a lack of consciousness takes effect. Humans need to sleep on a daily basis in order for our bodies to function properly. The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep each day, and not getting adequate sleep can lead to sleep deprivation. Some symptoms of sleep deprivation include constant yawning, grogginess when waking up in the morning, poor concentration and mood changes. Sleep deprivation can have serious effects on both your mental and physical health. The causes of sleep deprivation can range greatly from person to person, but most often they can be broken down in to three categories which include choosing to sleep too little, lack of time to sleep, and medical conditions that make sleeping difficult. We live in a fast-paced society that places a high value on activity. Some believe that sleep isn’t necessary, and they try to limit the amount of sleep they get. Some people would rather stay up later to read a book, watch television, or socialize with their friends or partners instead of going to sleep at a reasonable time. Other people find that there just isn’t enough time in the day to devote to sleeping. Sometimes people who have jobs that require long hours, or who have tasks that cannot be avoided will find they are sleep deprived due to a lack of time. Medical conditions may also play a large role in sleep deprivation. Sleep apnea is a condition where the person actually wakes themselves multiple times through the night because they stop breathing. Stress and anxiety may also play a role in insomnia, which is being able to fall asleep and stay asleep. Memory is one of the largest areas that can be affected by too little sleep. College students may stay up all night â€Å"cramming†for their exams, just to find that in the morning they really don’t remember anything. That is because your brain consolidates memories at a certain point in your sleep, which causes the memory to become stable. Without sleep it’s very difficult for your brain to retain information. Poor judgment is also a possibility if you are lacking sleep. Have you ever heard anyone use the term â€Å"let me sleep on it†? It’s for good reason seeing as how lack of sleep can actually impair judgment. Poor Judgment also goes hand-in-hand with the lack of focus and attention caused by sleep deprivation. When you go without enough sleep, you become less and less alert to your surroundings, and your ability to think and process information is decreased because of your excessive sleepiness during the day. Not only can too little sleep be harmful for you, it can also be harmful to those around you. If you work in a field that requires you to be on your toes at all times, yet you re significantly sleep deprived, you are more at risk for work-related injuries. Pilots, for example are now required to get a set amount of sleep before flying. People working in the medical field, or emergency services field should also be required to get set amounts of sleep due to the fact that they are protecting the lives of others and need to make sound decisions. Automobile accidents can also be cause by sleep deprivation. Driving drowsy can produce the same hazardous effects as driving drunk, and it causes thousands of automobile accidents and fatalities every year. Sleep deprivation may also lead to risky decision-making. People who have been awake for extended periods of time can’t accurately assess risks that are associated with certain situations. Being awake for 24 hours can produce some of the same effects as a 0. 1% blood alcohol level, which would be the equivalent of having 6 glasses of wine in one hour. No wonder getting too little sleep is so dangerous. Lack of sleep leads to many mental dysfunctions, but it has repercussions on physical appearance as well. Getting too little sleep on a consistent basis will start to alter your body’s ability to metabolize glucose, which can in turn make you look significantly older than you actually are. The amount of time we spend sleeping can drastically change our appetites and the ways we think about food. This may over time lead to sudden weight gains or losses. These changes happen because of the peptides Ghrelin and Leptin sends signals to the brain to tell it that it’s satisfied, and suppresses appetite, while Ghrelin does the opposite and stimulates hunger. Not getting enough sleep often decreases levels of Leptin, and increases levels of Ghrelin which may cause changes in appetite resulting in weight changes. It is apparent that sleep deprivation can have serious effects on both physical and mental health, but how do we break the cycle of too little sleep? I believe more emphasis should be put on how important it is to get your fill of shut eye every night. How many accidents can be avoided, and how many medical conditions averted just by getting adequate sleep at night? Society needs to start putting a higher value on our sleep, and in turn we may see a rise in our productivity. For the people who have medical problems and find sleep nearly impossible I urge you to seek help from a doctor. Do whatever you must do to improve your quality and quantity of sleep each night and in turn be happier, be healthier and live longer.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Converting Cubic Centimeters to Liters Example Problem
Converting Cubic Centimeters to Liters Example Problem This example problem demonstrates how to convert cubic centimeters to liters (cm3 to l). Cubic centimeters and liters are two metric units of volume. Cubic Centimeters To Liters Problem What is the volume in liters of a cube with sides of 25 centimeters? Solution First, find the volume of the cube.**Note** Volume of a cube (length of side)3Volume in cm3 (25 cm)3Volume in cm3 15625 cm3 Second, convert cm3 to ml1 cm3 1 mlVolume in ml Volume in cm3Volume in ml 15625 ml Third, convert ml to L1 L 1000 ml Set up the conversion to cancel out the desired unit. In this case, we want L to be the remaining unit. volume in L (volume in ml) x (1 L/1000 ml)volume in L (15625/1000) Lvolume in L 15.625 L Answer ï » ¿A cube with 25 cm sides contains 15.625 L of volume. Simple cm3 to L Conversion Example If youre lucky enough to have the original value already in cubic centimeters, conversion to liters is easy. Convert 442.5 cubic centimeters into liters. From the previous example, you should realize a cubic centimeter is the same volume as a milliliter, so: 442.5 cm3 442.5 ml From there, you just need to convert cm3 to liters. 1000 ml 1 L Finally, convert the units. The trick is to check the set-up of the conversion to make sure the ml units cancel out, leaving you with liters for the answer: volume in L (volume in ml) x (1 L/1000 ml)volume in L 442.5 ml x (1 L/1000 ml)volume in L 0.4425 L Note: Whenever a volume (or any reported value) is less than 1, always add the leading zero before the decimal point to make the answer easier to read.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Why Islamic Financial Institutions in Need for Corporate Governance Essay
Why Islamic Financial Institutions in Need for Corporate Governance Legal Framework - Essay Example Islamic finanical systems were particularly sucessful in the pre-colonial era but were methodologicaly replaced by conventional financial institutions during the colonial era. However over the last thirty or so years, Islamic financial institutions have been making a formidible comeback. Today Islamic financial systems have not only been established in Islamic states, but also internationally. Moreover, a number of conventional banks are also offering Islamic financial services evidencing the global acceptance of Islamic financial institutions. According to the World Bank, Islamic fiancial services are offered globally via 284 financial institutions in 38 countries which are Islamic and non-Islamic states. Like any financial institution, good and effective corporate governance is necessary for the effective and efficient functioning of the institution and for the protection of stakeholder interests. The stakeholder insterest are not always monetary in nature and can include ethics, values and/or religion. For Islamic financial institution, the amin interests of stakeholders is that the institution offering Islamic financial services comply with Shariah principles. Thus Shariah-compliant functioning in an Islamic financial insitution is the key component of corporate governance in Islamic financial institutions. ... However over the last thirty or so years, Islamic financial institutions have been making a formidible comeback. Today Islamic financial systems have not only been established in Islamic states, but also internationally. Moreover, a number of conventional banks are also offering Islamic financial services evidencing the global acceptance of Islamic financial institutions.1 According to the World Bank, Islamic fiancial services are offered globally via 284 financial institutions in 38 countries which are Islamic and non-Islamic states.2 Like any financial institution, good and effective corporate governance is necessary for the effective and efficient functioning of the institution and for the protection of stakeholder interests. The stakeholder insterest are not always monetary in nature and can include ethics, values and/or religion. For Islamic financial institution, the amin interests of stakeholders is that the institution offering Islamic financial services comply with Shariah p rinciples. Thus Shariah-compliant functioning in an Islamic financial insitution is the key component of corporate governance in Islamic financial institutions.3 The challenge for Islamic financial institutions in formulating good and effective corporate governance constructs is reconciling Shariah-compliant principles with the interests of all stakeholders.4 The stakeholder relationship in Islamic financial institutions is different from conventional financial institutions because profit and risk sharing principles change the nature of the stakeholder relationship.5 Moreover, the definition of property also changes the Islamic financial institution’s perspective on corporate
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Madison Environmental Justice Organization Essay
Madison Environmental Justice Organization - Essay Example The Madison environmental justice organization is located at Madison in the United States of America. The broader Madison area covers Dane County which has four freshwater lakes in Dane County called the Yahara Lakes. Madison lakes are used for the purpose fishing in large scale by ‘thousands of recreational, subsistence, and ice anglers’ from Madison and surrounding areas (About MEJO). The Madison environmental justice program creates awareness within the community about issues regarding environmental justice, guides in facilitating the abilities of communities to publicize these issues, and provides support to the cause of environmental justice for well-being of the general public. The Madison environmental justice organization has been working with people of color and low-income residents for more than two years, discussing and addressing issues regarding toxins in locally caught fish, and learning about the cultural practices regarding fishing and preparing and eating fish. The local air and water pollution has a disproportionate impact on the people belonging to poor and minor communities. This issue is not being addressed by the institutions or the community as a whole. Madison environment justice organization aims to change this (About MEJO). The Madison environmental justice organization was founded in the year 2006. The prime objective and mission of the organization is to educate the community regarding the issues of environmental justice, engage in work to address the critical issues of environmental justice.... The Madison environmental justice organization has been working with people of color and low-income residents for more than two years, discussing and addressing issues regarding toxins in locally caught fish, and learning about the cultural practices regarding fishing and preparing and eating fish. The local air and water pollution has a disproportionate impact on the people belonging to poor and minor communities. This issue is not being addressed by the institutions or the community as a whole. Madison environment justice organization aims to change this (About MEJO). Organization’s history and mission The Madison environmental justice organization was founded in the year 2006. The prime objective and mission of the organization is to educate the community regarding the issues of environmental justice, engage in work to address the critical issues of environmental justice, and support the cause for the benefit of the common people. The organization has been working with peop le of color and low-income people for more than two years, regarding the issue of high toxic level in the fishes that are caught in the local lakes by the members of the community (Powell and Powell, 1). The programs that the organization is currently working on The Madison environmental justice organization has its prime focus presently on the rising toxic levels at the waters of Madison’s north side. It is entrusted with the duty to control the spreading of the toxins, and to spread awareness amongst the local people of the community, as they are engrossed in fishing activities and their diet also includes fishes obtained from the local water. The main purpose of the project is to engage in work activity with minority people and the subsistence anglers to gain knowledge about fishing
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