Friday, May 22, 2020
Homegrown Muslim Radicalization And Terrorism - 831 Words
Homegrown Muslim Radicalization and Terrorism The purpose of this paper is to annotate four sources that I will analyze for my final research paper. These sources focus on the following items: (a) Comparing Muslim converts and non-converts in the United States, (b) the psychology of radicalization, (c) the risk of radicalization and terrorism, and (d) how we can combat homegrown radicalization and terrorism. By analyzing these sources, I will be able to develop in-depth reasoning on this topic and complete the research paper. Background Ever since post 9/11 conflicts began and the United States became involved in the Syrian conflict, several homegrown radicalized terrorist have come extremely close to succeeding in highly destructive attacks. Currently, there are gaps in understanding the radicalization of homegrown Muslims in the United States. Therefore, it is imperative to understand paths towards radicalization through crime prevention strategies (Kamien, 2012). The sources listed below will aid in the psychological background of radicalization, and how radicalization happens to homegrown Muslim converts and non-converts (Schumacher, 2011). Research Sources Belanger, J. J., Gelfand, M. J., Gunaratna, R., Hetiarachchi, M., Kruglanski, A. W., Sheveland, A. (2014). The psychology of radicalization and deradicalization: How significance quest impacts violent extremism. Political Psychology, 35, 69-93. Retrieved fromShow MoreRelatedEssay on Homegrown Terrorism1342 Words  | 6 Pagesphenomenon commonly known as homegrown terrorism. This transition or radicalization process that transforms an individual into an adversary has intensified since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The problem continues to persist in other parts of the world such as Canada, United Kingdom and even in Saudi Arabia, a Non-Western country. This form of extremism has shown its propensity in the United States since the turn of the century when Muslim extremism had its earlyRead MoreNypd Radicalization Report : Summary1155 Words  | 5 PagesNYPD Radicalization Report –Executive Summary The NYPD research addresses the issue of Islamic-based terrorism threat in New York City since September 2001. According to the study, the attack plots are planned and conceptualized by residents utilizing Al-Qaeda as their ideological reference and inspiration point (Silber, M. D., Bhatt, A., 2001). The research applies the quantitative method of data collection, which entails observation and surveying procedure. Through surveying technique, UnitedRead MoreEssay about American Jihad: Homegrown Terrorists1716 Words  | 7 Pagesa movement where homegrown American jihad will be the destruction of the United States. In the United States, we have Americans that are waiting and wanting to destroy anything that has to do with our country and our western way of life, all in the name of â€Å"jihad†or holy war. Just in the past year and almost 10 years after September 11, 2001, there has been upsurge in jihadist recruitment and incidents within the United States. This seems to be a call out to all the homegrown jihadist sympathizersRead MoreCyber Jihad And Concerns For Cyber Security868 Words  | 4 PagesMoreover, in his speech in June 2006, FBI director Robert Mueller describe homegrown terrorists as: â€Å"[They] are self-recruited, self-trained, and self-executing. They may not have any connection to Al Qaeda or to other terrorist groups. They share ideas and information in the shadows of the internet. They gain inspiration from radical websites that call for violence.†The process of radicalization has spread extensively through the usage of internet since it has a wide appeal and provides creativeRead MoreA Brief Note On The Terrorism And Terrorism1064 Words  | 5 PagesResearch Paper Homegrown Terrorism Terrorism is terrorist activity either made on one’s homeland or made on another person’s country, which is/has become a huge concern for the United States. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the US has taken huge measures to make sure there were not foreign attacks made on US soil again, but what about domestic attacks? The attacks of 9/11 left more than 3,000 civilians dead and more injured, but the number of deaths caused by homegrown terrorism far exceedsRead MoreThe World Of International Terrorist Organizations2044 Words  | 9 Pages On-Line Radicalization: An Immediate Threat Casey L. Alexander, Captain Counterintelligence Officer Course, Class 15-001 February 11, 2015 It has been over 13 years since President George Bush addressed Congress and the American people on 18 September 2001 following the terrorist attacks on 11 September 200. The President stated â€Å"Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped andRead MoreDomestic Terrorism And The Attack On 9 / 111919 Words  | 8 PagesDomestic terrorism has been a major threat in the US since the catastrophic event that took place during attack on 9/11. Following the aftermath of the terrorist attack, the US intelligence services and law enforcement agencies emphasized heavily on combating terrorism on global scale as international terrorism was views as the major threat to the public security of the US which caused the issue of domestic terrorism to be overlooked. We have seen many terrorist attacks since the attack on 9/11 thatRead MoreThe European Union1650 Words  | 7 Pages It is t rue that the European Union is taking the steps to have the rebuilding of security against terrorism. The military forces have started to take the actions in order to cope with the increasing issue of terrorism. However, it is also true that the miss-conception has been formed regarding the image of Muslims in the Europe as they are being subjected to wrong treatments for the terrorist impressions as research reports that â€Å"†¦The Ministry of Defense decided to deploy 10,500 soldiers to sensitiveRead MoreReflection Paper On Terrorism1931 Words  | 8 PagesWhy am I here? What does terrorism, or counterterrorism, have to do with being a Patrol lieutenant? I asked these questions of myself on October 4, 2017 at 2:45 in the afternoon – The first day of this class. When I had enrolled in this course I was a Criminal Investigations Division lieutenant overseeing the unit that would be responsible for investigating anything deemed â€Å"Terrorism†for my agenc y. I was also the supervisor of the Executive Protection Unit. However, between enrollment and theRead MoreEssay on Muslim Terrorism in the United States1716 Words  | 7 Pagescontext of Muslim terrorism in the United States to understand the evolvement of Muslim extremism today. Juergensmeyer (2003) supports this stance by stating that contemporary acts of violence are influenced by historical violence perpetrated in the religious past. The assumption could be made that Muslim extremism in the United States is a more recent phenomenon; on the contrary, this is not true. By understanding history enlightens to where foundations and structures were built to support Muslim extremism
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie Rita Ha By Noah Baumbach
Chosen Clip: Clip 1 from Frances Ha (2012) Dir Noah Baumbach Directed by Noah Baumbach in 2012, Frances Ha follows young New Yorker Frances Halliday (Greta Gerwig) who, at age 27, is living with her best friend Sophie (Mickey Summer) whilst in an attempt to get her life heading in a succesful direction. The film examines and humanizes the importance of growing up in different cultures, experiencing the highs and lows of a sacred friendship, the realities of early adulthood and making sacrifices in order to get to where you need to be. The stand out aspect of cinematography used in this scene and Frances Ha as a film throughout is the careful choice by Baumbach to shoot digitally, but to edit the film as monochromic. Sam Levy (director of†¦show more content†¦Omtting colour and using natural lighting helps not only this scene but the entire story to develop as it provokes more concentration from the viewer into this raw dialouge and acting. The classical style of cinematography is used by Levy in shooting Frances Ha. The scene is shot with a steadycam – evident through a smooth pan following Dan from the couch to the kitchen. For the majority of the scene, the camera is fixed in one position on Frances and Dan through a mid shot as they are seated on the couch. This shot size is framed around the subjects for a measure of distance (Bordwell and Thompson, 2008). The pair are sitting very close together and the shot further outlines this by being close to the subjects – without being labelled as close up shot. It is a tight frame, with a tight fix on the subjects. This communicates to the audience that these two are a couple and they are very comfortable with eachother and have been for a long time. The depth of field and focus range is very slim. This is a result of the distance between the closet and farthest objects in the scene being very small. Baumbach wants to focus soley on the characters in this sc ene as the position of the frame is extremely neutral. The lens is level with the pair sitting down on the couch with no high or low angles used. For Baumbach, it was not a case of symbolic cinematography, but instead to provide a more a neutral perspective to develop the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
APA Essay Format †Most Commonly Used Citations Free Essays
APA Essay Format – Most Commonly Used Citations Full APA Referencing and Formatting Guide for College Students What is APA Referencing Style using APA Essay Format? The APA referencing style refers to the American Psychological Association format that is used in colleges and universities around the worlds for writing essays, dissertations, and coursework. It is more common college writing formats in nursing colleges, business-related, or social sciences courses. The latest guide of APA essay format is the 6th edition, and has strict rules on citing a research paper sources, formatting reference lists, and creating chapters, sub chapters, and figures. We will write a custom essay sample on APA Essay Format – Most Commonly Used Citations or any similar topic only for you Order Now Below, you will learn how to format your APA essay format using 6th edition and list your sources. General Rules of APA 6th Style The main parts of your APA paper are: Title page Abstract (if required) Body of the essay References List of figures (if required) List of tables (of required) Appendices (if required) Title Page in APA Referencing Style In APA style, you will need to include a title page that includes the following APA headings section: Title of the paper The author’s name Institution On the title page, you will need to format your header differently than the rest of the paper as follows: â€Å"Running head: TITLE OF YOUR PAPER†on the top right corner of the page. On the rest of the paper, you will only have to include the title, without the â€Å"Running head†.For additional details, you can review a title page template right here: What is an abstract page and how to write good Abstract APAAPA Essay Format The abstract of your essay needs to include the page header, and the keywords along with a short synopsis of the essay, in 150-250 words. How to Format Your APA Paper – Essay Body The main body of the APA paper has to include headings to correctly format the content. Level 1 headings are centred, bold, and title case. Level 2 headings are aligned left and bold. Level 3 headings are bold, indented, and lowercase, with a full stop at the end. Indent all new paragraphs when introducing a new idea. Do not add extra space between paragraphs. References: APA Bibliography Format You always have to include your references in your APA style paper. The general rules of referencing are as follows: Reference all authors consulted writing the paper. List your sources in an alphabetical order Use the following format: APA in text Citation – Referencing Style General APA referencing rules Provide the page number for all direct quotes, and use quotation marks If direct quotations are longer than 40 words, use a ? inch indentation for the entire quote If you are paraphrasing a statement made by an author, always include the page number. If there are no page numbers as you are citing a website, use the paragraph number instead in the following format: â€Å"para. 1†. Citing more than one source If you would like ot know how to cite more than one source in a sentence apa then remember that you shoudl list all the sources separated by â€Å";†. Referencing work with one author When referencing a work with one author, you simply use their surname. For two authors, connect the two names with a â€Å"†sign. Referencing multiple authors When mentioning the work of three to five authors, mention all of their surnames the first time, and only write the first author’s name when you mention the same work again, followed by the â€Å"et al.†abbreviation. Make sure that you do not put a period after the â€Å"et†. For six or more authors, always use â€Å"et al.†after the first author’s name from the first instance. Referencing an unkown author When referencing a work from an unknown author, use the title of the paper instead. If the paper is written by an author identified as â€Å"Anonymous†, use this instead of the surname. Referecning personal communication If you are referring to personal communication, reference it with the name, followed by â€Å"personal communication†, and the exact date. Reference Page APA 6th Referencing Guide When writing your reference page, make sure you keep an alphabetical order based on the last name of the authors. If you quote multiple sources from the same author, list the references in chronological order. The name of the authors in APA 6th referencing is inverted, therefore, you list the surname first, and the first name second. Use a hanging indentation for each reference, with no indent on the first line and indentation for the following lines that belong to the same source. See an some APA citation examples and reference list below: Listing Special Sources Motion Pictures APA Referencing List the name of the directors and producers followed by â€Å"(director)†and â€Å"(producer)†, followed by the production date. the title of the movie in Italics, and the location of the file, DVD, online resource, or tape. Music Recordings APA Citation Use the songwriter’s and the singer’s name followed by the year and title, format, and location of the recording. If the recording has a publisher, list this, as well as the city where the music was publisted, Online Periodicals APA Essay format Use the same APA Essay format for listing the source as normal journal articles, however, if there is a DOI assigned, this is required in the reference. If there is no DOI, you must list the url where the article is available, after adding â€Å"Retrieved from†. Word of Caution when Using APA Bibliography Format When citing longer works, such as journals or books, use italics for the title. Do not use quotes for titles, or italicise the title of shorter works. Never abbreviate the name of the journal: always list it as full, with title case. In APA Essay Format 6th edition, not all online journal articles need a URL address, and if you can locate the DOI number, you need to use this instead. Make sure that when you list unpublished manuscripts, you state this in your APA reference list. Check the special requirements for each paper before starting to write your APA paper. Where to Get More Help on How to Write an APA essay? There are so many resources on the web that goes into a lot of detail about APA format. We feel that students struggle the most with time or in the case of dissertation writing, they struggle with coming up with Dissertation Topics. From that point onwards, students can either manage OR for more precise help they can reach out to one of our site qualified writers. Just to give you an example Owl at purdue and their writing lab has done a lot of work to provide good resources. You can check it out by reviewing Owl at Purdue link provided here. In some cases, APA referencing and formatting can be challenging for students, and they come across sources they are not sure how to reference. While Cite This for Me is a good tool, it does not include all types of APA references. our site has several qualified and experienced academic writers, researchers, and guides who are happy to answer your questions. Submit your query on the our site website and get help with APA referencing and formatting. Our friendly writers and support staff are happy to assist you. Related Articles – https://our Do you need help writing your Dissertation? Order Dissertation Today OR Call Now 855-997-2158 Summary Article Name APA Essay Format Description Learn how to use APA style to reference using most commonly used sources. Author Laura our site Admin Publisher Name our site Publisher Logo How to cite APA Essay Format – Most Commonly Used Citations, Essay examples
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